Writing good papers

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Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]

Recently, 星空浩淼 brought up the subject of publishing papers in
international journals. I would like to say something about
it. However, before I start, I would like to stress that these
comments are derived only from my personal experience in my own
field. It does not specifically refer to any particular paper
either. Although the publication review process is unavoidably
subjective and not complete fair, I will focus here only on the issue
of the quality of papers. This is the only thing that an author can really

By the way, such comments also apply to many non-Chinese papers as

From my own experience, many papers from China fail to get accepted at
important journals, and/or fail to attract significant attention, due
to at least one of the following reasons:

1) The subject is not interesting. An subject can be uninteresting for
many reasons. Here are some of them:

1a. The work is a trivial extension to or a straightforward application of a
well-known idea. No new phenomenon is presented. No new insight is
gained from such an application. It is something like ``By the way,
this is to tell you that we also understand this idea and know how to
use it. ''

1b. The work is an attempt to follow some trendy idea. However, it applies
it to almost the most uninteresting case, where the idea is very
unlikely to be prominent, or important. It seems that the application
is usually picked because it is simple, or because it is what the author
knows how to implement.

1c. It attempts to reformulate some very old, well understood idea,
where there is no big confusion and contradiction in the conventional
way of understanding it. The new formulation does not solve new
problems which cannot be solved by the old understanding. Sometimes,
it also shows a lack of understanding of the conventional wisdom.

1d. It is some far fetched idea with very little possibility of being
useful. The author does not know how it will be useful either.

1e. No thinking, at least from what is written in the paper, goes into
why the study is interesting. What is new? The introduction reads like
``We did this since so and so published a paper on ... We want to do
something about it as well''.

2) The physics is wrong, or at least vague and unclear. This problem
could also have several possible representations.

2a. The physics is just wrong. It involves serious
misunderstanding of some basic concepts.

2b. The author misunderstands what other people have already done. As
a result, claims of novelty or superiority are falsely made in the

2c. The discussion of the subject is naive and very incomplete. It shows
signs of lack of reading and studying the existing literature.

3) The quality of the research is poor.

3a. There is no in-depth study of problems which the paper is set out
to address. The research contains plugging in numbers into a couple
of formulas and produce a couple of preliminary plots. That's it. No detailed
consideration is carried out. It is OK to have
a so so paper, as long as it could get published. It is similar to a
first quick survey by an inexperienced graduate student.

3b. The work does not even try to address the most obvious
questions. It does not discuss the most standard issues related to a

3c. No effort goes into searching for the best possible solution.

4) The presentation of the paper is poor.

4a. The English is bad. We all suffer from this problem. However, some of
the papers are written in amazingly bad English.

4b. There is no discussion of physics, only formulas and
numbers. There is no discussion of why it is new, why it is important,
why it is not trivial. When presenting some surprising result, there
is no discussion of how it can be understood. It reads like ``Hey, we
programed these formulas into the computer. Here is what comes out of
it. ''

4c. There is no discussion of the implication of the results. There is no
attempt to present a first rated, well-argued paper.

Not all of these aspects are independent of each other. In fact, they
are usually closely connected.

I sincerely hope that the quality of the paper (and research) will
become the number one focus of every Chinese physicist. It only takes
some of us to write crappy papers to tarnish the reputation of paper from
China. Write good papers. Think about what is important. Think about
what is new. Think about how we can write the paper better than
anybody else.

Blindly following gets us nowhere. Cheap and lazy work earn us only
disgrace. Blind pride makes us stupid.

We can be on top of the world. However, we have to try much harder.

发表时间: 2007-09-01, 01:22:02 个人资料


发表文章数: 21
内力值: 95/95
贡献度: 177
人气: 26


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]

1c 重构一方面使得自己对这个问题理解得更清楚。另一方面也可能使别人更加深对这个问题的理解。惯常的智慧并不都是值得效仿的。就拿通常量子场论讨论时空对称性蕴含守恒律来说,我本人很坦诚地说,我看不懂那帮人在说什么。很多别人对我说,他们懂了。但我很清楚他们没有真正的搞懂,充其量也就是似乎懂了,但他们喜欢冠以美名,物理的洞察与直觉。我后来花了很大的功夫弄得让我自己满意了。当然这只是很小的学习的一个心得。我以为学物理是自己和上帝对话。自己觉得过关才算过关。惯常的智慧只是参考而已。但另一方面,大家都知道经典力学的重构,拉式,哈式。量子力学的重构,费曼路径积分。还有现行研究中对同一个结果的不同的推导都是有价值的。有些东西,当时可能没有觉得有价值,但若干年以后,可能发现它价值打得很。当然我这个是从一个理论物理学家的角度说一个问题的。如果一个实验物理学家或者唯象物理学家,这些美感也好,形式也好,也许不是很注意。注意的可能是你对我当下的这个问题能否给点提示,没有的话,你就滚蛋。


发表时间: 2007-09-01, 02:46:05 个人资料


发表文章数: 799
内力值: 423/423
贡献度: 8426
人气: 1826


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]



美国有个人H. G. Winful,跟PR系列杂志的编辑是哥们,很有权势(这是德国和意大利科学家们说的),他是计算机专业的,没有学过量子力学,更不懂量子场论,却在某个量子理论才能解释的研究领域兴风作浪,在PR系列杂志上很有“权威”,跟他意见相左的文章很难发表,而他本人的文章,某些水平低得难以置信、违背基本物理常识,却被编辑强行同意发表。可怕的是,这个人在世界很多最权威杂志上都有论文发表(包括Nature,PRL,Reports of Physics等等,怀疑支持他的审稿人是PR系列的编辑)。尽管如此,他的东西在圈内几乎没有一个人接受,引用的时候多是带有负面引用,带上problematic一词。

One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-09-01, 04:56:36 个人资料


发表文章数: 799
内力值: 423/423
贡献度: 8426
人气: 1826


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]



One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-09-01, 05:31:24 个人资料


发表文章数: 21
内力值: 95/95
贡献度: 177
人气: 26


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]

呵呵 我这个人知识面不宽,但是对自己深究的东西有着天生的自信,甚至达自负。后来Weinberg的书要好一些,我能感觉到老温比前人进步了。但是还没有达到我想像的痛快淋漓。这大约起源于老温不懂几何的缘故。

发表时间: 2007-09-01, 06:42:30 个人资料


发表文章数: 44
内力值: 210/210
贡献度: 481
人气: 69


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]

我以前接受的专业训练是:A的思想+B的方法+C的模型+D的分析+.... 开山祖师在一次内部会议上,无意中说出了师门秘诀,听闻几位前辈,发挥到极致,教授,杰青,博导,如抟嚷之物。可惜本人资质愚鲁,始终不能领悟和融会贯通,靠着师兄的指点,勉强达到毕业的最低条件,算是最不成才的一位。


发表时间: 2007-09-01, 22:19:46 个人资料


发表文章数: 59
内力值: 126/126
贡献度: 465
人气: 118


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]


大家都知道经典力学的重构,拉式,哈式。量子力学的重构,费曼路径积分。这些全是非常精彩有意思的. 甚至一个著名的问题,重新做一下也是很有意思的,比如yau他们证明了正质量猜想,过了一年,witten用旋量重新证明了正质量猜想.



i will love you till null infinity

发表时间: 2007-09-02, 21:46:45 个人资料


发表文章数: 155
内力值: 169/169
贡献度: 678
人气: 126

Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]

sage,我写了一篇短论文,是否可以帮忙审阅?如果你乐意,请告知我你的email。我的邮箱是taizhouer@gmail.com 。占用你的时间,当然没有报酬,就算是你捐赠给希望工程。我涂鸦也是好玩。



发表时间: 2007-09-03, 07:16:58 个人资料


发表文章数: 1051
内力值: 453/453
贡献度: 9137
人气: 1200


Re: Writing good papers [文章类型: 原创]


漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间: 2007-09-03, 11:48:55 个人资料
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