Scale Invariance I: definition

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Scale Invariance I: definition [文章类型: 原创]

1) What is scale invariance?

We must be clear first what we mean by scale invariance. Scale
transformation, as we will talk about more later, is about changing
the size of things. At this point, we must realize that one cannot
talk about absolute sizes of things, since there is no such
measurement one can do. We can only measure the RELATIVE size of
things. Therefore, to judge whether a theory is scale invariant is not
simply a matter of whether the theory Lagrangian depends on position
or not (such as a Coulomb potential). It must involve constructing
physical observables which could determine whether the theory depends
on scale transformation or not. For example, in the case of Coulomb
potential, we must ask how we measure it, and so on.

To give a more or less useful definition, we begin by setting up some
terminologies. A theory, (such as Maxwell E&M, Newtonian gravity,
string theory...), is characterized by a set dynamical variables (such
as position, momentum, field strength, field, etc.) and a set of
parameters (such as masses and coupling constants). A particular
choice of the KIND (not the size) of the dynamical variables and the
KIND AND VALUE of the parameters determine a theory. For example,
electron field, photon field, fine-structure constant (=1/137) and
electron mass (= 0.511 MeV) defines the Dirac theory of electrons in EM

Scale transformation first act on space: x -> \lambda x. Such a
transformation will induce a transformation on the VALUE dynamical variables:
A->A'. Such transformation, by itself, does not say anything about
whether the theory is scale invariant or not, since after this
transformation, we have only change the value, not the KIND of the
dynamical variables.

A definite test of whether a theory is scale invariant comes from
whether the VALUE of the PARAMETERS of the theory, as measured from
experiment, will change under scale transformation (which only acts
on dynamical variables) or not.

A practical way of doing this is to construct a way of measuring
parameters of the theory, in terms of a function of the dynamical
variables. Then, do the scale transformation (acting on
the dynamical variables) and see whether the parameter we extract from
experiment in the scale transformed world agrees with the old one or

Let's do this in a toy (not really makes a sound physics model)
Lagrangian, just to demonstrate the procedure. We will do real
theories when we talk about them later.

Say we have a Lagranian of three particles

L= (r_1-r_2)+ \alpha (r_1 - r_3)

(r_1, r_2, r_3), positions in certain units, are dynamical
variables. \alpha is a parameter. We could measure \alpha by:

a. only have 1 and 2, take the energy of the configuration.

b. only have 1 and 3, at the same distance, take the energy of the configuration.

c. take the ratio of the measurements, this gives us \alpha.

This theory is obviously scale invariant.

Before we go on, let's add a short (and probably vague) side comment
about scale transformation
vs dimensional analysis. Scale transformation only acts on dynamical
variables. Dimensional analysis only acts on (scales)
parameters. Therefore, dimensional analysis always take one theory
into another with same set of dynamical variables but different values
of parameters. In this sense, dimensional analysis is always a
symmetry in the solution space, i.e., given exact solutions of one
theory, dimensional analysis always turns it into exact solutions of
another theory with changed parameters.

发表时间: 2007-05-07, 01:37:23 个人资料


发表文章数: 174
内力值: 170/170
贡献度: 1381
人气: 263


Re: Scale Invariance I: definition [文章类型: 原创]



I have known more people whose lives have been ruined by getting a Ph.D. in physics than by drugs.

by Jonathan I. Katz

发表时间: 2007-05-07, 03:41:07 个人资料


发表文章数: 799
内力值: 423/423
贡献度: 8426
人气: 1826


Re: Scale Invariance I: definition [文章类型: 原创]


标度不变性,相变,共性不变性,这些希望 sage兄都讲到

One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-05-07, 03:53:25 个人资料


发表文章数: 799
内力值: 423/423
贡献度: 8426
人气: 1826


Re: Scale Invariance I: definition [文章类型: 原创]




One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-05-07, 04:15:26 个人资料


发表文章数: 78
内力值: 129/129
贡献度: 450
人气: 56


Re: Scale Invariance I: definition [文章类型: 原创]

Quantum many-body system at criticality is describled by corresponding
conformal field theory, actually i am not certain about the relation between scaling invariance and conformal invariance. in my sense,scaling transfromation is just a kind of conformal transformation,i don't know whether scaling transformation has some special properties.
Maybe Sage will take some time talking about this.

to yinzhangqi: the pattern of entanglement is an nice tool to investigate the nature of quantum criticality. for many-boby system it has been more and more accepted that the order of matter should to be characterized by quantum entanglement other than former order parameters( for my part order parameter is ugly and uncontrollable specially when i learned statistical mechinasm, it cant be a final description)

i am thrilled by my results for many times,obviously God preserves a way for human to do research

发表时间: 2007-05-07, 11:12:22 个人资料
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