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客栈的文章中可以嵌入MTV [文章类型: 混合]

【按】感谢站长的测试,发现YouTube Object可以直接嵌入(几何爱好者也许会联想到 manifold embedding,呵呵)本客栈的文章中。由于在站长的测试过程中原贴丢失,现在通过Google的Cache功能恢复后重贴,顺便展示一下嵌入成功后的效果。


* 近几年来New England Patriots是NFL联盟中的一支王牌球队,曾获2001, 2003, 2004三个赛季的总冠军。其主教练Bill Belichick(也可趣译为“比例小鸡”)更是赢得了如日中天的声望;

* New England Patriots的明星四分卫Tom Brady也意外成名,其中文绰号为“小白脸”,靠着三个冠军戒指屡屡泡妞得手;

* 可惜本赛季一开始Patriots就被发现有舞弊行为,该事件被媒体大肆炒作,称之为“间谍门”(spygate)或“偷录门”(videogate)。曾被人认为智慧无比的Belichick也被人改名为Belicheat,名誉的损失极为惨重。


Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat

© 2007 Ryan Parker

I never called Bill Belichick a genius,
Cause I remember when he coached the Browns,
He was such a failure up in Cleveland,
The franchise folded up and left the town,

I never said Tom Brady was a hero,
Cause I remember him at Michigan,
Bringing Gatorade to Brian Griese,
Except for garbage time when he got in,


So wasn't it a little shady when this quarterback named Brady,
Suddenly became a mega star,
Wasn't it a bit confusing when this coach who's used to losing,
Earned the reputation that he's smart,

When you know which plays are coming, it can make a coach look cunning,
And make an average quarterback elite,
Cheating's how they got their glory, it's the true deceitful story,
Of Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat,

The tabloids say they've cheated on their girlfriends,
And someone should review their SATs,
The IRS should look into their taxes,
And their colleges should check out their degrees,

Mangini knew the tricks that they were using,
So he convinced the Jets to turn them in,
Cause he was getting sick and tired of losing,
To a team that has to cheat to win,


But Brady's made a lot of money and he's scored a lot of honeys,
By showing off his championship rings,
Bill's been praised because he's clever, and called the greatest ever,
And lived with all the luxuries that brings,

But let's confiscate their Sony's, and expose them both as phonies,
And see how many teams that they can beat,
Some would say it won't be any, if it is, it won't be many,

Poor Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat,
No more lucky play selection, into proper blitz protection,
For Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat,
Cause cheating's how they got their glory, it's the true deceitful story,
Of Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat

发表时间: 2007-10-05, 06:21:10 个人资料


发表文章数: 447
内力值: 348/348
贡献度: 3779
人气: 838


Re: 客栈的文章中可以嵌入MTV [文章类型: 原创]

很好啊。Your tube 的东西都可以盗来。

弹铗 放歌
我有我乐 不与你说

发表时间: 2007-10-05, 08:31:04 个人资料


发表文章数: 768
内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
人气: 1737


Re: 客栈的文章中可以嵌入MTV [文章类型: 原创]



发表时间: 2007-10-05, 15:47:36 个人资料
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