The Choker Theory

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The Choker Theory [文章类型: 混合]

[Note]: The word "choker" has many meanings, its most common usage in American sports writing is as follows (you can type "define: choker" in Google to explore all the meanings) ---

* choke: fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation; Example: "The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience."

* choker: an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation; Example: "He could win if he wasn't a choker."

* choke up: to become too tense or nervous to perform well; Example: Our team began to choke up in the last inning.

Ventre: Mavs' meltdown started months ago
Dallas never looked comfortable after loss to Miami in '06 Finals

By Michael Ventre
Updated: 10:41 a.m. ET May 4, 2007

Choking is difficult to watch, but thankfully it’s usually over quickly. Whether it is someone in a restaurant with a blockage who suffers for a few seconds until a good Samaritan comes along with a Heimlich, or if it’s a sports team that suddenly collapses, those stricken with the choke can generally get it over with in short order.

The Dallas Mavericks are now one of history’s most notable exceptions to that rule. They choked, losing to the Golden State Warriors Thursday night in Oakland, 111-86, which completed a titanic gag that saw the Western Conference’s No. 1 seed get humiliated by the No. 8 seed 4-2 in the best-of-seven series.

Yet this choke began months ago, back in June, when the Mavericks were up, 2-0, in the 2006 NBA Finals against the Miami Heat. The Heat then reeled off four straight victories to take the championship.

At the time, critics ascribed the Mavs’ tank job to growing pains. It was just part of the learning process, they sagely professed. The crushing defeat against Dwyane Wade, Shaquille O’Neal and the Heat would build character, make men out of boys, teach them that what does not kill you will make you stronger.

Ah, not so fast. Sometimes what does not kill you does not make you stronger. Sometimes it makes you timid and weak and eventually the league’s laughingstock.

The Mavericks have been choking since last June. True, they won 67 games this year — the best record in the NBA — so it might seem incongruous to suggest that this mighty regular-season juggernaut has been slowly asphyxiating since June 13, which was when Game 3 of those Finals were played. But they have.

What occurred Thursday night was just the denouement of a Greek tragedy involving once-proud warriors whom the fates deemed unworthy and thus had them emasculated by … well, real Warriors.

Despite their regular-season success, the Mavs just had that worrisome look in their eyes, as if they weren’t quite sure they could live up to the hype. It was instilled from the Miami debacle, and it has remained. And that look progressed into sheer terror when they realized they would have to play the Golden State Warriors in the first round, a team that had swept the season series against Dallas this year.

These same Warriors won 42 games and battled the Clippers until the final days just to squeeze into the playoffs. They’re hardly a great team, barely a team worthy of the postseason. The Warriors are merely a bunch of misfits and wackos who matched up well with the Mavericks and smelled fear. They took absurd shots, became ungodly hot at the right time and rode a wave of momentum. They’ll be on vacation after the next round.

In such dramas as these, there are always subplots that support the main narrative. In this one, the Don Nelson scenario was almost as interesting as the games. Here was a veteran head coach cast adrift in Dallas by an insufferable owner in Mark Cuban, and he gets his chance at redemption just short of his 67th birthday.

Nellie did indeed outcoach his former assistant and good friend, Avery Johnson, but much of that is overblown. Sure, the double teams and overplaying of Dirk Nowitzki was highly effective, and whenever Nelson made a move Johnson counterpunched rather than follow the old John Wooden philosophy of playing your game and then making the other team conform to what you do.

But the Warriors won this because they got superhuman performances from guys like Baron Davis, Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes, and because Nowitzki failed to show up. Rather than stand out like Boston’s Larry Bird, Nowitzki disappeared like Boston’s Whitey Bulger.

In Game 6, Nowitzki was 2 for 13 from the floor, scoring just eight points. This is the supposed MVP of the league, but he seemed demoralized all series, lamenting at one point that he could only do what the defense gives him. That’s not exactly Patton talking.

If Avery Johnson failed, it was in getting these guys to remember who they were and inspiring them to act like champions. Anybody who knows Avery knows how tenacious he was as a player, and he carried that take-on-the-world attitude to his job as head coach of the Mavericks. He single-handedly turned a one-dimensional club into a team that could keep up with the scoreboard madness of the Phoenix Suns but also play defense like the San Antonio Spurs.

What he couldn’t do apparently was to sit them on the couch and determine why they were so mentally brittle. Did they still have nightmares of Udonis Haslem suddenly playing like Kevin McHale? Are they tormented by those cell phone commercials that remind them they could be the ones trying to get into Charles Barkley’s “five” instead of Wade if they had just not strangled themselves?

This is supposed to be the biggest upset in NBA history. That is based on the fact that no team that has ever won 65 games or more has ever failed to win at least one playoff series.

In truth, years from now this will be a mildly amusing memory for most fans. That’s because of two things:

One, a first-round series is still a first-round series, even if the top seed goes belly up. People tend to remember the champions, and with all due respect to the Warriors, they and their fans should continue to wax nostalgic about their ’75 title team, because there won’t be another along for a while.

Two, this might be a shocking upset on one level, but in reality it’s strictly run-of-the-mill. That’s because the Dallas Mavericks were involved, and the clues to their eventual choke have been obvious since last June.

发表时间: 2007-05-04, 12:49:33 个人资料


发表文章数: 280
内力值: 263/263
贡献度: 4868
人气: 688


黑八奇迹会否引发规则之变? [文章类型: 转载]





















发表时间: 2007-05-05, 20:40:11 个人资料


发表文章数: 87
内力值: 136/136
贡献度: 277
人气: 71

Re: The Choker Theory [文章类型: 原创]

Go Rockets, Go Yao!

Darn, has Yao choked?

发表时间: 2007-05-05, 22:48:51 个人资料


发表文章数: 280
内力值: 263/263
贡献度: 4868
人气: 688


和所有火箭饭共勉 [文章类型: 混合]

[Note]: It turned out that Yao Ming is a big choker, he choked more severely than Dirk Nowitzki (Mark Cuban deserves to be a sore loser for ever, I'm so happy to see Don Nelsom kick his sorry ass). I feel like wasting 3 hours last night only to see Houston Rockets give Game 7 away at home. Jeff Van Gundy should resign now and the Rockets should pursue Larry Brown as their new head coach.

宁可站着死,不能坐着生 -- 和所有火箭饭共勉

送交者: 老鹰号 2007年5月06日11:37:15 于 [竞技沙龙]

昨天火箭在自个儿家门口输了生死战,我要负主要责任。网友说上次我搭台的口号:让暴风雨来得更猛烈些(更正一下,第五场是客场比赛,不是我搭台,让暴风雨来得更猛烈些是我的胡文) 。因为有暴风雨的时候火箭不能发射,所以火箭输了,而这次我搭台的口号是:火箭纵横天下,爵士梦游天涯。“火箭纵横天下”,火箭不能横着走,所以,横字对火箭不吉利。而梦游天涯是Jazz的最高境界,所以爵士不赢,谁赢?说得很有道理,我得好好反省一下。



先回头看看94年吧,至今已经十几年了,至今我还能体会到休斯顿人心在燃烧的情形,大部分车的玻璃,大型建筑物都写上各种标语口号,GO ROCKETS!当火箭拿下西部冠军时,12刀一件的纪念T-SHIRT要排长队才能买到,我一口气买了4件。



篮板野兽索普 ,当时NBA最好大前锋之一,曾入选全明星的球员。那年火箭夺冠路上与他对抗的是太阳队如日中天的巴克利和爵士队的马龙,可是在他那里没占到什么便宜。查了一下当年的数据,索普平均14分10.6个篮板,标准的白领加蓝领。







成者为王,败着为寇,咱们要接收这个事实,今年没戏了,总结经验教训,还有明年,后年 。。。丢掉的只是一场球,但不能丢了士气,丢了骨风,火箭的小伙子们,擦干净身上血迹,继续战斗吧!


发表时间: 2007-05-06, 14:57:45 个人资料


发表文章数: 280
内力值: 263/263
贡献度: 4868
人气: 688


窝囊的姚明 [文章类型: 转载]

窝囊的姚明, 愚蠢的火箭

送交者: VC15 2007年5月06日02:45:52 于 [竞技沙龙]






大家看火箭也有一段时间了,那都是什么人啊?卖底,状态不稳!两个三分手,也是有一下没三下的!其他的,就连无人防守的情况下,中投也是几下挤不出一个屁来!造成爵士,放心大胆的防姚明,卖底.超人也不行啊!本来姚明内线要球后,基本都可以形成两到三个人夹击,这个时候外线还跑不出空位来,那怪谁? 教练, 球员? 还是球员的意识不行.最后大家看到火箭其他球员拿球后爵士,也就分一半精力看你,另一半在内线!

一个球队里,没有能中投的人,除了卖底,没有能突破的人,能赢么? 有时候发球找不到接球的人,以前看NBA,裁判没吹哨发球之前,球员就开始穿插炮位了,看看的火箭,都跟站岗似的!哨一响,开始做直线运动,有N次这样的情况了!

关注勇士!对爵士应该很激烈,看流氓嚣张,还是土匪牛B. 希望下轮勇士干死爵士,爵士真的很脏。 看看勇士,5个人上来,4个人投三分!

发表时间: 2007-05-06, 15:02:21 个人资料
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